University Relations
spring flowers

 Spring Research Day, April 3rd, 2008


  Alaitz Aizpurua Sanz

"Memory for actions: a comparison of recognition in older vs. younger adults"
  Deepanwita Dasgupta

"A Cognitive-Philosophical Model of Scientific Knowledge-Making by a Non-Western Scientific Community: the Rise of a Tradition in Natural Science in the early 20th-century India"
konczak Kristen A. Pickett, Kuan-yi Li, Juergen Konczak

"A new method for the measurement of passive motion sensitivity in late childhood"
konczak Kuan-yi Li, Kristen A. Pickett, Juergen Konczak

"Multijoint kinesthesia in Parkinson's disease."

Peter Battaglia and Paul Schrater

"Robust Bayesian framework for modeling psychophysical tasks"



Vassilios N. Christopoulos and Paul R. Schrater

"Studying human grasping under position uncertainty of 3 dimensional objects"



Virginia E. Clinton, Ben Seipel, Paul van den Broek, Kristen McMaster, David N. Rapp, & Mary Jane White

"Gender Differences in Elaborative Inference Generation for 4th Graders"



Sarah Carlson, Paul van den Broek, Kristen McMaster, & Mary Jane White

"Using Embedded Questions in Narratives: Understanding Cognitive Strategies for Struggling Readers in Grade School"


pani kendeou

Michael C. Mensink (University of Minnesota), Panayiota Kendeou (McGill University), & David N. Rapp (Northwestern University)

"The Consequences of Narrative and Expository Introductions on Learning Scientific Explanations"

  Zhicheng Lin

"Specificity of masked priming of face"
martin Amber Martin

"Mental Rotation in ASL Signers and Non-Signers: Effects of age of acquisition"
  Amel Khalfaoui

"Determining correlations between cognitive status and referring expressions: Research methodology"
radke Anna Radke

"CRF Receptors Mediate Negative Affective States During Acute Opiate Withdrawal"
albanese Gina Albanese

"Time course of cortical responses to illusory and real lightness changes"
shannon Robert W. Shannon

"Processing Invisible Faces: Brain Response Differentiation Between Fearful and Neutral Expressions"

Updated April 27, 2015