University Relations

CCS Staff

  • Coordinator
  • Cindy Marceau
  • 209 Elliott Hall
  • 612-626-3570 CCS

Poster Printing at the Center for Cognitive Sciences

Where CCS Main Office (Elliott S205)
When Wednesday afternoons
How E-mail your poster (.pdf, .ppt or .pptx) to Cindy Marceau
by noon on the Tuesday before printing.  
Policies Maximum of 6 printing jobs per session. No walk-ins. No editing.
Format Portable Document Format (.pdf) is preferred. PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) is acceptable.
File size Under 20 mb
Poster sizes Two roll sizes are available (36 in and 42 in). Maximum length = 80".
Fee $3.50 per square foot. (e.g. 36" x 42" = 10.5 sq. ft. = $36.75)
  • We can accept your check or EFS number.
    Checks should be made out to the University of Minnesota.
    You must bring the payment to Cindy Marceau in the CCS Office prior to picking up the poster.
Disclaimer The Center for Cognitive Sciences is not responsible for reprints.
Please proof-read your poster carefully, including formatting, and specify your desired dimensions.
This policy, including rates, is subject to change.

Updated January 19, 2019