University Relations

Fall 2006 Colloquia


Dr. Tonya White Gyrification and Development of the Human Brain
  • White T, Nelson CA (2005) Neurobiological Development During Childhood and Adolescence. Eds: S. Charles Schulz & Robert Findling. Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore, MD.
  • Van Essen D, (1997) A tension-based theory of morphogenesis and compact wiring in the central nervous system. Nature Vol. 23, 313:318


The Adaptive Brain Symposium Sept. 14-15


Celia Wolk Gershenson
& TBA Students

Discussion: A Metatheory of  Lifespan Development

  • Baltes, P. B. (1997)  On the Incomplete Architecture of Human Ontogeny: Selection, Optimization& Compensation as a Foundation of Development Theory.  American Psychologist, 52, 366:380


Andy Elfenbein,
English Department

The Scientific Study of Reading and Literary Criticism
  • Elfenbein, A. (2006) Cognitive Science and the History of Reading. PMLA, 121, 2, 484:502


Apostolos Georgopoulos,
Cheryl Olman, Patricia Pardo, David Redish, Mat Chafee & Ed Bernat

Brain Imaging: A Panel Discussion
  • Wilson, M. A. & McNaughton, B. L. (1993). Dynamics of the hippocampal ensemble code for space. /Science/ 261:1055.
  • Christy Nicholson, (2006). Thinking it Over: fMRI and Psychological Science. APS Observer, 19(9), 20 - 25.
  • Carole Wade,(2006). Some Cautions about Jumping on the Brain-Scan Bandwagon. APS Observer, 19(9), 23-24
  • Tor D. Wagner, (2006). Do We Need to Study the Brain to Understand the Mind? APS Observer, 19(9), 25 - 27

    (Copies of the APS Observer articles will be available in 205 Elliott Hall - they are not yet available online)
10/12 Student presentations:
Adam Johnson, Neuroscience

The hippocampus across the lifespan: rat models of spatial cognition
  • Barnes, C.A. et al (1997) Multistability of cognitive maps in the hippocampus of old rats. Nature, 388, 272-275


Elsa Shapiro,
Pediatric Clinical Neuroscience

Cognitive Development in the Context of Poverty


Derek Isaacowitz
Brandeis University

Aging and Motivated Gaze: The View from the Gazer

  • Carstensen, L.L., et. Al. (1999) Taking time seriously: A theory of socioemotional selectivity . American Psychologist, 54, 165-181.
  • Isaacowitz, D.M., (2000) Emotion & cognition In F.I.M. Craik & T.A. Salthouse (Eds.) The Handbook of Aging and Cognition (2nd edition), pp. 593-631
  • Carstensen, L. L. & Mikels, J. A. (2005) At the intersection of emotion & cognition: Aging & the positivity effect. Directions in Psychological Science, 14(3), 117-121.


Student presentations:
Eric Schlicht

Impact of coordinate transformation uncertainty on multimodal cue integration
  • Ernst, M.O., & Banks, M. S. (2002). Humans integrate visual and haptic information in a statistically optimal fashion. Nature 415, 42-433


Ofer Tchernichovski
Biology, CCNY

Developmental Song Learning in the Zebra Finch: In Search for the Error Signal

  • Deregnaucourt S, Mitra PP, Feher O, Pytte C, Tchernichovski O (2005) How sleep affects the developmental learning of bird song. Nature, Vol. 433, No.7027. (17 February 2005), pp. 710-716.
  • Deregnaucourt S., Mitra P.P., Lints, T., Tchernichovski, O. (2004). Song development: In Search for the error-signal. Ann NY Acad Sci 2004 1016: 364-376 Special issue: Neurobiology of Birdsong, Eds. Ziegler & Marler)
  • Tchernichovski, O., Mitra, P.P., Lints, T., Nottebohm, F. (2001) Dynamics of the vocal imitation process: how a zebra finch learns its song. Science, 291 (5513) 2564-2569.


Nicholas Ward

Mechanical Engineering

Measuring driver distraction in behavior and brain function

  • Kramer, A.F., Sirevaag, E.J., Braune, R. (1987). A psychophysiological assessment of operator workload during simulated flight missions. Human Factors, 29(2), 145- 160.

  • Horrey, W.J., & Wickens, C.D. (2006). Examing the impact of cell phone conversations on driving using meta-analysis techniques. Human Factors, 48(1), 196 - 205.


Matt McGue
University of MN

What is exceptional about exceptional aging?